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Alaska Pollinators: Their Importance and How They’re Struggling presentation by Jessica Rykken, Lisa Hay, and Dawn Cogan

Jessica Rykken will discuss pollinator diversity, natural history, and threats.
Alaska has a fascinating diversity of native pollinators, including bumble
bees, solitary bees, and flower flies. Jessica will also share some of the research
projects going on in Denali National Park and Preserve, looking at pollinators
along elevation gradients and the phenology of plants and their pollinators.
Lisa Hay will describe how pesticides used by local mosquito spray companies
are killing area honeybees. These chemicals are lethal to all insects and
aquatic life. They have also been shown to kill local songbirds. Learn what
chemicals are being used and what you can do to protect your area.
Dawn Cogan will talk about the benefits of beekeeping, where to find
equipment locally and out-of-state as well as share her family story of medicinal
benefits of beekeeping.