Arctic Audubon Society works to protect Alaskan ecosystems by encouraging research, education, and management that contributes to appreciation and good stewardship of our natural heritage. In addition to the programs and events we offer, we are proud to provide financial and programmatic support to local organizations working towards this shared goal. Learn more about the programs we support below!
The crane calling contest is an annual tradition at the Sandhill Crane Festival. (Photo by Melanie Graeff)
Tanana valley Sandhill Crane Festival
The Tanana Valley Sandhill Crane Festival is held annually the 3rd weekend of August at Creamer’s Field Migratory Waterfowl Refuge in Fairbanks. The festival features guest speakers and artists, and offers activities and workshops for all ages, including guided nature walks, birdwatching opportunities, photography, falconry, crane calling, and much more. Best of all, there are ample opportunities for observing Sandhill Cranes and other migrants during peak fall migration on the refuge! The festival is sponsored by Friends of Creamer’s Field in cooperation with Alaska Songbird Institute, Alaska Department of Fish & Game, and Arctic Audubon Society.
This Palm Warbler is one of over 100,000 birds safely captured, banded, and released at the Creamer’s Field Migration Station since the project began in the fall of 1992. (ASI photo)
Creamer’s Field Migration STation (CFMS)
Arctic Audubon Society is proud to sponsor a net at the Alaska Songbird Institute’s Creamer’s Field Migration Station! CFMS is the northernmost continually-operated banding station in North America. Banding occurs during spring and fall migration. The information gathered provides insights essential to building successful conservation plans for bird populations in Interior Alaska, including timing of migration, breeding, and productivity. Along with the birds, CFMS is visited by thousands of students and independent visitors each year.
Campers explore the Boreal Forest Trail at Creamer’s Field. (Photo by Sarah Lewis )
Camp Habitat
Camp Habitat is a nature education & ecology camp for children ages 4-11 sponsored jointly by Friends of Creamer’s Field, Alaska Department of Fish & Game, and Northern Alaska Environmental Center. Campers learn about the natural history of Interior Alaska through an engaging outdoor education curriculum while exploring Creamer's Field Migratory Waterfowl Refuge through themes including plants, animals, birds, fish, and human interactions with the environment.
Porcupine caribou herd in Arctic National Wildlife Refuge (Photo by Ken Madsen)
Run for the Refuge at the Northern Alaska Environmental Center
Run for the Refuge is a 10K trail race and 5K walk or run held virtually worldwide and in person in Fairbanks, AK in July to celebrate the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge. It directly supports the Northern Alaska Environmental Center’s programmatic work to keep development out of this sacred place.
Violet-green Swallow nestlings at 11-days old (ASI photo)
High School Internships at the Alaska Songbird Institute
The Alaska Songbird Institute’s high school internship program is a unique opportunity for students to explore research, wildlife, and conservation-related career paths through hands-on work with wild birds.